Monday, February 25, 2013

online meanderings

Yep, it's been a while. And no, I'm not planning to do these super regularly any more. But I'd still like to keep track of some of the good links I come across, for your sake and mine. Here's a batch from the last few months of catch-up reading.

Do you know your neighbour's names? - This is challenging, helpfully so.

The greeters - 5 ways to make visitors feel welcome to your church

How do I give my kids the edge? - Not what you might expect... but very helpful. It's good to see Jenny writing for Growing Faith.

Evangelism as a mum - Completely inspiring: an idea for helping others get to know Jesus.

How could God command genocide in the Old Testament? - Helpful reflections by Justin Taylor.

Nothing ever just "slackens off" unless you actually do something about it and Keep a lazy diary - Wisdom from Deb and Meredith.
I bought some joy, but then I dropped it down the stairs. If my idol can be destroyed by falling down a flight of stairs, I probably ought to aim a little bit higher. I need to elevate my joy to something bigger, something better, and something higher. Challies

To see the rest of my links, click here (Facebook) or here (Twitter).

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